Thursday, 18 October 2012

Fairest of All Creation!!!!!!!- Remarkable creation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if there’s a person on the face of the earth who hasn’t heard about Adam and Eve, the first two people on the face of the earth. It seems that even a preschooler’s education begins with the remarkable story of Adam and Eve.
God’s first words about the creation of mankind are these: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created; male and female He created them” (Gen 1:27) and the fairest of them all was EVE. 

God had been busy for   six (6) days creating beautiful new world- All creation great and small enjoyed a perfect environment. Yet the entire universe stood at attention, awaiting God’s final creations. At last God presented His master pieces to the rest of the nature. First the man (Adam), formed by God from the dust of the ground Gen2:7, Then finally and dramatically  the woman Eve, made from one of Adam’s rib and presented by God   to Adam as bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh( verses 21-22).

What can you do to join with Eve and revel your lovely womanhood and femaleness?
Accept your remarkable femininity- there is no need to feel inferior, second-class, or second rate. No woman was God’s last but most beautiful creation.
Begin to cultivate your remarkable femininity –Allow w God’s truth to permeate your understanding and transform your view of yourself as a woman until it matches the high value God places on His women.
Commit to excelling in your remarkable role as a woman:- As God’s woman, be the best ( see prov31;29)! Delight in God’s perfect design and plan for your life.  He created you as a woman, as such; you join Eve’s exalted position of “fairest creation”.
 We learn from Eve that women share in God's image. There are feminine qualities to the character of God. God's purpose for creation could not be fulfilled without the equal participation of "womankind." Just like we learned from Adam's life.
Eve also teaches us that God wants us to freely choose to follow and obey him out of love. Nothing we do is hidden from God. Likewise, it does not benefit us to blame others for our own failings. We must accept personal responsibility for what we do. 
Eve had the dual distinction of being the first ever-woman and the – first ever wife! . Eve was God’s answer to Adam’s incompleteness. Eve’s number one role and the purpose of her creation were to complement Adam and to be a helper to her husband.
To be a wife- means Eve was created for the position of honor, being born to life’s loveliest most lofty throne of glory; the glory of man ( 1cor 11:7) The first wife reflected the glory of the first husband.
Eve’s inability to withstand the temptations offered by the serpent involving her husband in rebellion threw God’s creations into chaos. There was no end to the changes that would take place in her marriage… her garden (home)… her relationship with God Himself and in her heart …due to failure to obey God’s instructions.
Eve, from death sprang life, from darkness, light; and from end, a beginning; from the stinging despair of defeat, the strength of a budding faith. She was the mother of all living.
 Do you realize that your life counts too? And count significantly? Whoever you are and whatever your circumstances, you have life to give to and pass on to other people. How?:
<·         You share spiritual life by telling others about Jesus.
<·         You are the life of your home, bringing the sparkle of laughter and joy to other people.
<·         You give life through your physical efforts to care for others.
<·         You pass physical life to your children.
<·         You can also pass eternal life on to your children by teaching them the gospel of Jesus.

So, dear remarkable creation, you  can choose daily to feed your spiritual life by sending your roots down deep into God’s love and forgiveness. Eve’s life came from God so does yours. He was the strength to her life and he is to yours too, you will find your source in Him .

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