The photographs show users of cocaine, heroin, and oxycodone, as well as crystal meth.

The campaign was launched by, the organisation that ran the very successful Faces Of Meth campaign in 2012, which showed the devastating impact of meth addiction.

Chelsea was arrested four times in less than two years. In her 
final arrest she was charged with possession of cocaine, heroin and 
Chelsea was arrested four times in less than two years. In her final arrest she was charged with possession of cocaine, heroin and oxycodone.

This latest campaign, More Than Meth: The Faces Of Drug Arrests, aims to show that drugs other than crystal meth can also have a damaging impact on health and appearance.
The photographs are mug shots of the drug users, who are known only by their first names, at the times of various arrests, which in some cases span more than ten years.

The mug shots show the physical effects that drug abuse can have on someone’s body, including dramatic weight gain or weight loss, tooth decay, facial sores, abcesses, bloodshot eyes, and the appearance of accelerated ageing. 
Amy was 25 when she was first arrested arrested. asked 
200 people to guess how many years between her first and last mugshot, 
they said 21 years, in reality it was 10
Amy was 25 when she was first arrested arrested. asked 200 people to guess how many years between her first and last mugshot, they said 21 years, in reality it was 10

Linda was first arrested at the age of 22. She was arrested five 
times after that for various offences, including drug-related crimes
Linda was first arrested at the age of 22. She was arrested five times after that for various offences, including drug-related crimes

There is a noticeable difference in Cynthia's mugshots at the age 
of 21 and 25 (top left and right) and a later mugshot taken when she was
 29 (bottom)
Michael was charged with a string of offences over the course of a
 decade, including possession of drug paraphenalia
Cynthia (left) and Michael (right) were each charged with a string of offences over the course of a decade

A 2012 study found that 4.5 million Americans were dependent on illicit drugs, and millions more had used illegal drugs in the month before the study. aimed to raise awareness about what can stem from the more casual use of drugs.
‘Use of these dangerous drugs can easily lead to addiction,’ they wrote.
There is a dramatic change in Mary, in just four years. She was 
arrested multiple times during this period. Her charges included 
possession of heroin and cocaine
There is a dramatic change in Mary, in just four years. She was arrested multiple times during this period. Her charges included possession of heroin and cocaine
When he was 34, Edward was arrested for possession of a pain 
narcotic. Just over five years later, he was arrested for possession of a
 controlled substance
When he was 34, Edward was arrested for possession of a pain narcotic. Just over five years later, he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance
Carrie lost 20lbs between her arrests in 2012 and 2014. Drastic 
weight loss is one of the many side effects of taking some drugs
Carrie lost 20lbs between her arrests in 2012 and 2014. Drastic weight loss is one of the many side effects of taking some drugs

Melynda has caught in a string of arrests. In 2013 she was charged
 with possession of a controlled substance
Melynda has caught in a string of arrests. In 2013 she was charged with possession of a controlled substance

Crystal was arrested four times in 2011 alone and was charged with
 possession of cocaine every time. Her most recent arrests included 
charges for possession of cannabis, prostitution and theft.
Crystal was arrested four times in 2011 alone and was charged with possession of cocaine every time. Her most recent arrests included charges for possession of cannabis, prostitution and theft.