Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Baby Development Delays

It´s not easy to say why some babies develop slower than other babies. It could be a delay in the physical development. This might last for a few weeks after birth, or it might be permanent. There can be several reasons for baby development delays. Part of the baby development delays might be that your baby starts to walk or talk later than is considered normal.

Social Development of Your Baby

It is important that your baby not only develops physically but also emotionally and socially. Baby social development is all about learning how to communicate with others, being able to show what the baby want and does not want and getting its own ideas. The social development of a baby is very interesting. When the motor skills become finely tunes and the talk is adjusted as well, you will find that your baby start to socialize heavy with others. Your baby starts its social development as soon as it gets born and works on them until it is about three years old.


Your baby’s emotional development is a really a life long process and it starts the moment that the baby is born. However, you will not be able to tell its emotional development until the baby is somewhat older. Then, it will probably hit you hard, as you need to deal with all kind of emotions that come up.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Good nutrition, home remedies best for measles treatment

The dry season is here again. Already there have been pockets of reported cases of measles in most homes across the country. Studies have shown that dry air has four main effects on the human body. Breathing dry air is a potential health hazard which can cause such respiratory ailments as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and nosebleeds, or general dehydration since body fluids are depleted during respiration.

Diseases such as measles occur during dry weather. Measles, respiratory and highly infectious disease is caused by a virus known as rubeola. Measles virus normally grows in the cells that line the back of the throat and lungs. The illness does not select, it can attack anyone, ranging from adult men and women to children. However, statistics show that the disease is mainly common among children. Studies have shown that children below 12 months are the most vulnerable ones.
Measles can be classified as one of the most undesired and discomforting as well as life threatening illness.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Keep Bananas Fresh Longer Using Plastic Cling Wrap

Do you never finish a bunch of bananas before one or two are too brown for your taste? Slow down the ripening process by wrapping a piece of plastic cling wrap around the crown of the banana bunch. Educational weblog SnapGuide points out that you should use a piece of cling wrap around the size of your fist and wrap it tightly around the crown. Each time you remove a banana carefully remove and replace the cling wrap. If done correctly this trick should give you another three to fives days before your bananas are too ripe to enjoy.

Dog dressed as two dogs holding a present

"If you've seen a better picture than this picture of a dog dressed as two dogs carrying a present, I don't believe you." I can't think of anything better.

Shake It Up at Work

Most on autopilot, but you shouldn’t be. Switching up your routine can make you more productive, happier—and more likely to be recognized by higher-ups. To help you dig out of a rut: Brainstorm. Gather your team for a forward-thinking session to leverage new energies and ideas. Suggest a theme—and that everyone think out of the box. This will help pry you from workplace doldrums and stimulate your creativity. Plus, your colleagues will feel valued and refreshed. It’s a win-win.

 Learn something. Look for ways to refresh your business strategy by reading up on cutting-edge tools or taking an industry-specific class. Sign up for online sessions or podcasts to score new social media tactics—the way of the world for most all businesses. Start by putting some simple strategies to work.

Change the scenery. Whether it’s an errand run at lunchtime or a stroll to the local deli, get out of the office and away from the fray to help clear your mind. Breathing in the fresh spring air can bring clarity to a perplexing challenge and even help awaken new ideas. Then go back to the office and dig in!

5 Steps to Keeping the Romance Alive After Baby is Born

For couples with a new baby, learning to parent, share their home and even their bedroom make up the bulk of their time during first few months of parenthood. There are more books to read, laundry and chores to do, and there is much less time. Baby needs constant attention. Nights are busy with multiple feedings and mornings start early, very early. So how do couples adjust to these new demands and still find time to nurture their own bond – sans baby? Below are five simple steps you and your spouse can take to keep the romance alive, after you have a child

1. Make a date and stick to it Chances are your schedules were busy before baby was born. Now you’re taking turns working, napping, cleaning, feeding and caring for your little one. This means time spent as a couple is sacrificed. By setting a date to spend some quality time with your partner, you’re instilling a habit, which will have great benefits for both you, your partner and your child.

I love my child but I want my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to address this thing that my wife does and a lot of women do it too (because i' have heard a lot of men talk about) Before you have any children, it's just you and your wife and then as soon as the baby comes, your wife starts to put the baby in the middle of the bed at bed time. this thing drives me mad.
I can't even touch my own wife again? a lot of women are guilty of this and it's about time they stop it!!!! children should not come between the romance husband and wife shares.

 I love my child but I want my wife back